X:4 T:Dorset Four Hand Reel T:(Green Man April 2019) M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |:G2 B2 d2 cB|c2 e2 c2 e2|G2 B2 d3 c|B2 A2 A2 BA| G2 B2 d2 cB|c2 e2 c2 e2|G2 B2 d3 c|B2 A2 G4:| |:g2 g2 gf e2|d2 d2 dc B2|A3 B c2 d2|e2 d2 d4| g2 g2 gf e2|d2 d2 dc B2|A3 B c2 F2|A2 G2 G4:| W: W:The tune for the dance of the same name, unsurprisingly from Dorset W:although danced and played throughout the land.